A Thimble or a pitcher

This morning I pick up from the shelf of my office at Unity the book by Emmet Fox called “Power Through Constructive Thinking” and I read:
As far as The Divine is concerned, our supply of Divine Energy is of course absolutely
unlimited; there is no check of any kind upon the amount of it that we can appropriate,
or, upon the things we can do or be. Yet, for practical purposes, it remains that at any
given time you can draw from the inexhaustible Source only in accordance with the measure
of your understanding, just as you can draw water from the Atlantic Ocean only in accordance with the size of the vessel that you use.

I immediately begin to think about the places in my life where I have used the largest vessel I could conceive to draw from Divine Energy. I think of the family I have and the joy and love we share together ~ I have drawn deeply from Divine Energy. I think of my time at Unity and the depth of satisfaction, purpose, and meaningfulness that inspires me forward. This is truly where I have drawn from the Divine Energy in great heaps! I think of the places in my life where I have gone to the Source with merely a thimble. Indeed there are opportunities to remember, because we sometimes forget, that Source is unlimited.
I need to be reminded of the words from Luke 12:32 “Don’t worry little flock, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” In this scripture we are encouraged to let loose of our material thinking and to build our treasure in spiritual practice as it goes on to say in verse 34 “wherever your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.

Today I practice remembering that it is foolish to go to the ocean’s share with a thimble and expect to be content with a thimble full of the endless possibilities. If, perhaps, I draw from Source a thimble and find myself discontent, I don’t become discouraged, or unhappy, or cynical. I then remember that in the discontent, is opportunity. I seize the opportunity to remember who I am ~ I am born in the image and likeness of God. I welcome the opportunity to go within and inquire “What is my divine purpose? What is mine to do?”. In the discontent is incentive to dig deep within my own thoughts and beliefs about myself. My worth and what I deserve, what is my right to have or be. I turn again to the words of Emmet Fox:

Whatever you may require to answer the call of God will be provided. Money,
opportunity, introductions, knowledge, training, freedom, leisure, strength, and courage –
all will be furnished if you be about God’s business and not your own. Your Heart’s Desire
is the Voice of God, and that Voice must be obeyed sooner or later.

Choose with wisdom, understanding, and discernment what vessel you shall use. Let’s go to the Source together and take our fill, there’s plenty for all. Source shall never empty.

Sunday is Pot Luck Sunday. Come early for 9:30 Metaphysical Bible Study and stay late for nourishment of spirit and body with lunch together after the service. Bring your favorite dish to share!