A week that is holy

As you open this enews and read these words, we are in the midst of Holy Week. The week that begins with celebrating Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Jesus was honored by the people of the city for they had heard of his great teachings and healing. It is also the celebration of Passover. The week that began as a triumphant welcome to Jerusalem would culminate with the crucifixion of Jesus on Friday and his resurrection three days later on Easter Sunday. It is in the rising from the tomb that we celebrate on Easter Sunday.

It is impossible for me to be in the midst of this week and not be in awareness of just what we are honoring. For us in Unity, we recognize the story of Jesus overcoming the limitations of the human experience. In dying to the human experience, Jesus transcended from Jesus the human man to The Christ. The life, the death, and the resurrection of Jesus, shows us that we too can overcome the mindset of the human experience and raise to the Christ of our being. We too can live from the Divine expressing as us. We too, can lift our consciousness from material living to Spirit.

We take time each Easter to fully embrace this process that Jesus so beautifully modeled for us. And we need not wait until Easter to transcend from our human to our Christ consciousness. With the dawn of each new day we have the opportunity to choose how we shall live in our world. With the clock striking each new hour we may choose again. We may choose to live our Christ nature. In fact, with each breathe we take in, we may choose to exhale our Divinity into our world and infuse our world with the holy light of our being. No, we need not wait for Easter. We may rise again and again with each moment of each day.
As I move through this Holy Week, I examine the thoughts, beliefs and the habits of my life that keep me entombed. What might I allow to die to this world, be transformed in Spirit and rise again as the best version of myself that is possible? I come apart for a while and spend my time in contemplation and I allow my divine inspiration to reveal to me, what and how I might transform within me. What is ready to be let go so that a greater expression of my Christ nature might be revealed?

And during the days, weeks, and months following Easter, I ask the same. Indeed I need not wait for Easter to be in the space of allowing that which doesn’t serve my spirit to fall away. I need not wait for Easter to open my mind and my heart to raise my thoughts from this human limitation to the realization of the Christ that expresses through and as me. The Divine is always at hand and desiring to flow and light up my life every day. The divine that when I allow, shines through me into this world.

This time of Lent, this Holy Week, and Easter morning serves as a spring board for a life of renewal that I may live every day. Just as Jesus died to the limitations of this human experience only to rise again in the spirit that is divine and eternal, I too, and you also may follow this example. As Jesus rose to his fully Christ-ed nature he transcended this world. Today I am called to remember the words of Jesus, my teacher, my way shower when he says “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.” John14:12

Please join me and the Spiritual Care Team for our Maundy Thursday Service at 6:30. I will be in the sanctuary Friday from noon until three for inspirational readings, prayer, and contemplation. Please also join us Saturday at 9:30am at Temple Beth Torah for their Sabbath. Of course Easter Sunday we shall celebrate “Spirit Rising” at 11:00 followed by the youth Easter Egg Hunt and annual Easter Cake Auction. You know that I’m saving a seat for you because it simply isn’t the same without you!