A Call to Love

I sat to write this message as I do each week. Nothing came to my mind or on to the page in front of me.  I sat in meditation for a process of asking “What wishes to be said today ?”.  Oh, how the thoughts ran rampant through my mind.  Enthusiastic thoughts about love,  peace and nonviolence, and thoughts about honoring Black History Month.  Back to writing, I wrote with great expectancy to complete the message.  With a page half filled, it didn’t seem to be what needed to be written so I deleted it.   Now on my third deletion of text, I return to my cushion and sit in the silence once again.   What shines brightly through each of the topics that initially attracted my attention is the call for love.  The call for love for our African American community, for the history in our United States and for the experiences of modern times. There is a call to feel and realize that the experiences of persons of color may vary greatly from the experiences that I have in life.  There is a call to love all people without regard to the shade of their skin.

 Anyone who has experienced violence may need an enormous helping of pure love. The violence that exists in families and communities is as broad as our country. Violence of any kind does not happen without long lasting consequence.  Love those whose lives are impacted and marked by violence.   There is a call to love people who have experienced violence as well as people who are demonstrating violence.  The call is loud, clear, and often an unmistakable screaming for love.   

Anyone whose heart is not at peace surely benefits from love.   On any given day we may encounter another soul with a restless or tormented heart.  Perhaps they are a person who finds this human world just too difficult to navigate.  Sharing our love with every person without exception to outer appearances assures us that we are living the commandment that Jesus gave his disciples in John 13:34 when he said:” So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other”.  There is a call to those who are suffering.

Just love.  Love everyone.  Love everything.  Love all the time!  Call upon spiritual discernment to see souls rather than behaviors.  Invite wisdom and understanding to demonstrate to others what you seek in a heathy relationship. Find ways to be together lovingly as a community.  Honor the life story of yourself and of others so that we can grow in compassion, kindness and love.