Lift my eyes

On our morning walk today, I wondered what words might come that I might share. About a mile further along, I began to really wonder. Was the word well dry today? If there was nothing that needed or wanted to be said this day, silence would be an outstanding substitute for words!  Silence has been a vital part of my spiritual practice for quite some time now. Silence indeed would suffice.
We walked on, taking in the light of a new day. We heard the birds singing the world to wakefulness. We watched the squirrels running in an energetic game of tag. We crossed paths occasionally with other morning walkers and we shared greetings for a happy day ahead for all.  Micah and I walked quietly for another mile or so savoring the space we each occupied. As we 
turned the corner for the final mile of our trek, I lifted my eyes above the street where early morning traffic moved. I lifted my eyes above the bulk trash piled along the sidewalks waiting to be collected in the days to come. I looked above the cracked uneven sidewalk.  I lifted my gaze higher above the rooftops, some still holding debris from last week’s rains. I raise my sights higher 
still to the grand and magnificent tree tops gently swaying back and forth in the subtle breeze. I felt immediately grateful for the vision before my eyes as I took in the many shades of green that met the crisp blue morning sky. 
Ah…. I sigh loud enough to capture Micah’s attention and we pause for a moment to take in the vision of nature in its undisturbed posture. Neither the trees standing tall and proud nor the blue sky are unsettled by the ways of our world. The trees rise to their majestic fulness and the fluffy white clouds dance about in the blue sky with nothing pressing to do rather to simply be.
So it can be with everyday life. As I look about this human world, I see the struggles of the hungry, the homeless, those living with job insecurity, the racial inequity, as well as the political strife and so much more. It may be easy to feel burdened and heavy when I think of all that is moving at ground level. 
I feel so very much for my brothers and sisters of color with the heaviness that weighs on so many. The fatigue from the encumberment of racism is something I have the luxury of picking up and putting down at will. I feel for those who are without jobs and security of income during these long days of Covid 19.  
The feelings run deep yet, as I lift my vision to a higher vantage point the paralysis of overwhelm begins to lift and I gain a different perspective. I feel a little lighter as I realize all of this is for me a call to action, an invitation to do what I am able for as many as possible with the resources I have to use. I follow the teachings of Jesus in the parable of the good Samaritan. I believe we are indeed here to lift one another higher and walk this journey of life together.  
I lift my sights higher still and I recognize that the gift of this day is for me to share the love that is in my heart with any willing and able to receive. I share my prayers for peace and harmony with my world.  
I immediately recall the words of the Psalmist “I lift up my eyes to the hills from where will come my help? My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth” Indeed, as I lift my sights as well as my thoughts to the heights of the Divine, I see possibility and potential for all beings.