Merry Christmas!

I breathe in the gifts of advent – hope, peace, love, and joy – as Christmas day draws near and I feel hopeful for all that is about to be revealed for each of us.  I feel the peace of life established on the firm foundation of faith.  I am satiated by the fountain of love that flows freely and endlessly in my heart.  I revel in the joy of this season of birth and rebirth of the divine consciousness of humanity.  Each faith tradition has a season of birthing the divine consciousness by whatever name that it is called.  We who follow the teachings of Jesus, honor and celebrate the birth of Christ consciousness embodied by Jesus. We recognize through scripture that this Christ consciousness is what Jesus evolved to.  We also recognize that we carry the Christ in our DNA.  We are born of the same substance that Jesus was born.  We have the same potential as Jesus as our divine inheritance.  

Each year we tell the Christmas story.  The details remain the same even after a few thousand years of passing down the beauty of the Christmas story generation to generation to generation.  Knowing this to be so, I find myself wondering yet again, how might we make this story of the birth of Jesus, born into the pure consciousness of Mary, meaningful again?  

I realize that it is not in the telling of the story that we gain the deep intimate meaning.  It is instead in the receiving of the story that creates meaning – whatever meaning we assign this deeply intimate spiritual experience. Realizing this we step into the silent night, holy night.  We move into the space where all is calm and we open our hearts to feel the profound movement of energy as the divine is born as us.  We open our ears to hear the story of the birthing of divinity as humanity, we see the God of our being in the faces of all humanity.  This is the deepest truth of Christmas.  This is the gift of the star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright that guides us to the perfect light.  This journey is not an external journey traversing the landscape of our living in the world.  Rather it is an inner journey of our soul. the journey that reminds us to be in the world but not of the world.  We are poignantly reminded that we are spiritual beings graced and blessed to live in human form for a short while.  Our true nature is the inner nature of our spirit.  No one can take this journey for us; it is ours alone to travel.  We will likely find those along our way to support us and cheer us on toward all that we are to become, yet growing our awareness and expanding our consciousness of our true divine nature is the inner journey of our soul.  

At this time of   Christmas, we are once again invited to welcome the birth or rebirth of the Christ consciousness within us.  We are gently and lovingly called to nurture the spirit of truth to guide our way.  Perhaps now is a good time to pause, enter the sacred place of the most high and to allow Christmas to be revealed in our hearts. 

Join Unity on Greenville for two upcoming services.  Friday, December 24th at 6:30 pm we will share the Christmas Eve Candle light service as we come together for inspirational readings and music.  Sunday, December 26th at 11:00 we gather again for our celebration service.  Join us in the sanctuary, on our website at, on Facebook or YouTube.  However you choose to join us, know that your soul is welcome here!

Many blessings and Merry Christmas,  

Rev. Karen