December 2022 Covid Update

December 28, 2022 Update

The Board of Trustees continues to be ever vigilant regarding the guidance provided by the CDC and our local community health officials regarding COVID-19. Protecting our community, all those who visit Unity on Greenville is our primary focus.

We continue to monitor COVID levels and are grateful to inform you of the following update. The table below is a tool to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. Levels can be low medium or high.

Our current level is LOW.  Please see the table below.

cdc scale















So, what does this mean to those who visit Unity on Greenville?

We first want to express our sincere gratitude for your patience and compliance with the guidance we have provided thus far. Your willingness to protect others as well as yourself shows the love in your heart. 

Masking, physical distancing, and good hand hygiene remain an important part of preventing the spread of COVID-19.  After much prayerful consideration, the Board of Trustees encourage personal choice. Hand sanitizer and masks are available for anyone who needs them. 

Physical greetings such as handshakes or hugs, please ask first, respecting and honoring the wishes of each individual. A Namaste Bow is a beautiful custom that has gained more popularity. This is wonderful option too!

Children are welcome in the sanctuary with a parent/adult.

 It is everyone’s personal responsibility to make this decision. Vaccination status does play an important role, how one physically feels or if there has been a question of exposure also plays a role in your decision.

We have provided the link for further information:

“Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.” – Helen Keller