Spiritual Care

Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.”
              --Ellen Debenport in The Five Principles
Spiritual Care Mission

We create an environment that supports, nurtures and calls forth the divine nature and gifts of each person in our Unity family.

Spiritual Care Vision
We offer Spiritual care and outreach to our spiritual community through supportive, compassionate, affirmative prayer, meditation, and mediation services.


Core Values of Unity on Greenville (supported by Spiritual Care Services)

·  Spiritual Community
We recognize our spiritual oneness and unity, celebrate that oneness with joy, and honor it with wisdom and love.

·  Spiritual Growth & Understanding
We seek spiritual truth and understanding through the study of Unity principles, the Bible and other universal teachings.

·  Spiritual Guidance
We open our hearts and minds to receiving God’s guidance and wisdom, through a foundation of daily prayer and meditation

Our Prayer Chaplains are available to pray with you immediately after our Sunday Services. In addition, all members of Unity on Greenville receive a monthly phone call from a Prayer Chaplain offering prayer support. If you are not a church member but would like to receive a monthly Prayer Chaplain call, please contact the church office (214) 826-5683 or email unity@dallasunity.org to schedule your appointment.