Off Center

Hmmm. A feeling of anxiousness and stress have loomed heavily over me and in me as I go through the final days of preparation for the annual meditation retreat. This is historically an event that I joyfully prepare and present so the angst is quite surprising and had caught me off guard. This is the first year we will have families ~ children and adults. I recall so vividly standing by the pond after the Sunday service at last year’s retreat. In a single flash the vision of the entire retreat center being filled with children teens, and adults of all ages flashed before me. In that moment, I knew without hesitation, without doubt that having a youth track was truly ours to do in 2017. Of course I had no details of what that would be, yet I knew it was to be.

There I sat on the front porch swing of the lodge at Springhill Retreat Center. In a couple of hours we would begin our Fifth Annual Open Your Heart Meditation Retreat. In this moment, siting and swinging on the front porch with the breeze blowing, I look across the campus to the gorgeous view of lawn and trees. Layer upon layer of greens rich and bright from the spring rain. The water of the ponds is higher than past years and filled with fish and turtles that I can see from my serene spot on the front porch. I’m certain there is at least a snake or two slithering in there somewhere.
Back and forth, the rhythm of the swing and the sweet breeze lull me into the perfect present and I turn to the familiar Thich Nhat Hanh meditation

Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.
Breathing in, I notice my breath is deep. Breathing out, I notice my breath is slow.
Breathing in, I calm my body and my mind. Breathing out, I am at ease.
Breathing in, I smile. Breathing out, I release
Breathing in, I return to this moment. Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.

A wonderful moment, indeed. Ah, the wind blows and ripples glide across the water, the birds chatter noisily with much to say as they fly through the treetops. In the calm tranquility of this space I am reminded of how easy it is to return to my center. How beautiful it is to be in the space of knowing I am one with the One.

It is not common for me to be drawn off center and be out of alignment for days. Oh, I could make bunches of excuses.
I have tons to do. There is enormous responsibility with the young ones attending the retreat
I’m also preparing for the Sunday celebration service…. Blah, blah, blah…. It is purely a pile of excuse to avoid doing what I know to do. Return to my Truth,
re-center and realign with my divine.

I am grateful for quiet time alone today in these serene surroundings. I am grateful to be so gently reminded of my True North, the place that is my truth, my peace, my calm, the place that is steadfast, the place where I am unquestionably aware of my divine nature and my connectedness always with Divine Creator.

My lungs take in the air around me, my eyes take in the gently swaying of the trees and once again, I am home. Welcome home, Karen!

Sunday, I will be officiating the marriage of our beloved Michelle Young and Bob Wilson. L.D. Carter is our guest speaker. I know LD is saving a seat for you, please join him at 11:00 as we acknowledge Memorial Day with special Patriotic music.

Blessings of great joy as you live from your True North,