Love is what we're here for!

Love is what we’re here for. These words reverberated through the sanctuary of North Haven United Methodist Church Monday evening. We gathered more than one hundred strong to stand and light our candle. This candle lighting is the first practice of the 64 Days of Peace and Nonviolence that represents our commitment to being peace.

There was a powerful energy of joy that was palpable at the very first planning meeting. This event and the energy grew stronger and stronger with each meeting. Each conversation culminated with the opening ceremony Monday evening.

There were inspiring words by way of video from Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King and peace maker Mahatma Gandhi. There was singing and there was silence. There was the burning bowl and candle lighting. There was gong bath, drumming, dancing and a whole lot of love. We loved and that is what we’re here for.

Every faith tradition on the planet commands love including Muslim, Jew, Hindu, and Christian. There are no exceptions. Buddhist practice is a practice of loving kindness. Our commandment in Christianity is to love God, love self, and love others. Love is what were here for!

You can be part of this movement for peace by logging onto It’s easy to catch up.
First day practice – light a candle and courageously make your commitment to these 64 days (and beyond).
Second day practice – share your smile. Your smile shares the message of peace.
Today’s practice (Wednesday) - Write down ten things that you appreciate about myself and my life. Tell at least one other person what you appreciate about them.

There’s nothing left to say, so get out there and let your light shine. Get out there and be peace. Get out there and love because love is what we’re here for!
Sunday we will being a series on The Humor of The Christ. Let’s laugh a little because laughter is good for the soul. Metaphysical Bible Study begins at 9:30 and the Celebration Service begins at 11:00. We will enjoy First Sunday Pot Luck after the service.

Blessings of Peace and Love,