May you see with the eyes of a child

It is the sparkle in a child’s eyes as they laugh and squeal with delight at the wonder and seeming magic of the Christmas season that also brings joy to the hearts of adults.  Perhaps we would wish ourselves to return to the days of wide-eyed wonder and guileless exuberance of the Christmas season.  I believe with all my heart that It is this very desire for joy that causes humanity to move from an innate quality of compassion and loving-kindness.  Expressing kindness and generosity toward others, as I see it, is our inherent nature and way of being.  It is an anomaly when we see deviation from the intrinsic nature of humanity.

As we come to the holy day of Christmas to celebrate the birth of the Christ into our world, into our hearts, and into the consciousness of humanity, we are called to look upon all beings and to see, feel and act from our divine oneness.  As we hear of the many stories of the year 2020, they pull on our heartstrings and we respond from hearts of loving-kindness.   

Today I wish to share that Linda Salem Shereda, Director of Pay it Forward Dallas, organized Christmas Angels who purchased Christmas gifts for about 275 children.  Of these children, Unity on Greenville generously cared for 52 young ones.  Because of your openhearted giving, each of these children and families will not only have presents under the tree this year, they will also be touched by your hearts of love.  

I believe the only way for us to survive and thrive through the challenges of this human world is by acknowledging our connectedness, by sharing of our resources both material and spiritual.  You, Christmas Angles, have done just that.  You have shared of your treasure and of your spirit.  You have shown families the joy that resides in you through your generosity.  I could so easily see and feel your joy as you delivered your gifts for the children to the church.  

Enough words from me, here is what the families have said in their Facebook posts on Pay it Forward Dallas: 

Thank you from our family to your amazing angels... for these gifts from Unity church...  .

Thank you so much!  Ms. Linda and the [Unity] church that helped my kids and family this year. I’ll post a picture next week when I get everything together and under my tree.

Thank you, Miss Linda and the [Unity] church that gave to my family, we are so grateful. My family is so blessed to have this group and the [Unity] church that gave to my children. God bless you all.     

I would also like to thank one of the congregants at Unity on Greenville in Dallas for my boys presents, may God bless you.

Allow yourself to take in these words of gratitude and let them fill your heart with the Advent gift of Joy.  Pause for a moment and remember the story of Jesus welcoming the children into his arms and reminding us all that it is with the heart of a child that we enter the kingdom of heaven.

May you see with the eyes of a child on this Christmas day.  May you feel with the heart of tenderness.  May you awaken to the spirit of the Christ, born as you with Hope, Peace, Love and Joy on Christmas and every day. 

Merry Christmas from my heart to yours.