My morning walk

Dawn broke on an early Dallas morning.  After my morning prayers, out of bed I leapt and quickly donned my walking
clothes.  Surely, I would get my three miles in before the threat of rain became a reality, I thought.   In a flash, I was out the
door with Micah, my trusted walking companion, by my side.  

A gentle breeze blew through the trees as the cacophony of sound rose as the earth (at least my part of the earth) woke to
greet another glorious day.  The sun remained hidden behind the billowing clouds that began to grow darker with each step
I took.   The skies rumbled and lightening flashed in the not too far off distance.  Micah let me know he was not happy with
the quickly changing weather and barked at the sound of thunder.  We picked our pace in the hope of returning home
before the rains were unleashed upon the earth.   
The winds now blew more forcefully, calling me to lean into the wind as we walked.  The skies quickly became as dark as
the pitch of night.  I walked as swiftly as my feet would carry me with Micah tucked closely by my side.  A hand full of
raindrops fell on the ground around me as we turned the final corner toward home.

Micah and I arrived home dry and safe. Whew, we felt fortunate to have dodged the downpour that was sure to begin at any
moment!  We sat on the front porch waiting for the storm to arrive.   We waited and we waited.  Nothing!  Then much to my
surprise, just as swiftly as the darkness, the winds, and the thundering skies rolled in, they rolled out.  In a brief moment of
time, the sun began to peek through the clouds which caused me to laugh out loud.   

Sitting on my front step, I began to think of the many times that signs of storms showed up in my life only to pass by.  I
thought of the storm threats that came and went leaving me still standing, still persevering, still carrying on. I thought of all
the preparation, mostly worrying, for possible personal disasters that seemed to loom heavy on the far-off horizon. They
were dark and threatening in my mind, yet they never came to pass.   

I know I don’t stand alone thinking that I must prepare for the worst that could come.   I know there are many single parents
who worry, just as I did, if they will be able to provide what their children need emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  I
know there are other seniors who wonder if their health and memory will sustain them for the duration of their lives.  Every
day people with every day lives wonder or worry about what may come.  I feel this is a part of being human and
experiencing life.

I am inspired to recall Psalms 23:1 “The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need”. 
No matter what, I have everything I need.  Perhaps there may be times that I feel as though life just isn’t going my way.  
There may be times that I think I need more of this or that.  Yet, when I remember that in Truth, I have everything I need. I
can rest assured that the rest of life is working out for good.   I can sit and watch the storm clouds roll in and I can know that
all is already well.  I can trust that the source of life is always moving.  

I remember that life moves in divine order.  With this idea fixed securely in my mind,  I draw my thoughts away from that
which I do not wish to bring or expand in my life and I gently guide my thoughts toward what I wish to see more of and that
which I wish to invite into my life. Divine order unfolds through Mind, idea, expression.  In my time of prayer and meditation, I
invite the Presence and Power that moves through the universe to inspire my ideas.  I then hold those ideas with
enthusiasm throughout my day as I wait and watch for these ideas to be made manifest.  I take time to remember that I am
co-creating with the Divine and all other beings, so I wait patiently.  I remember too that the universe responds to my most
authentically held ideas.  I work through any negative thinking about worthiness and deserving what I desire.  I clear all the
beliefs that may inhibit me and bind me to lack or limitation.   

I am reminded that “the Lord” is my highest consciousness, my I AM, my divine consciousness, the creative power within
me.  As I focus and remain centered in my divine thinking and remember to call upon the creative power within me, I allow
life to unfold with clarity, purpose, and fullness. As I call upon the innate powers within me, I live from the abundance of the
universe that is only limited by my thinking.   With this in mind, I am inspired to expand my capacity to give and receive of
the good that is in creation.

From the consciousness of having everything I need, I move with confidence throughout my days knowing that I have
enough patience for whatever comes my way. I have enough faith to navigate any challenging moments with ease and
grace. I have all of the material resources to live comfortably and joyfully.  Living in the confidence of abundance, I am free
to share my bounty with the world.   Be it sharing of my financial treasure, my spiritual strength, or compassion, or love, I
know that however much I give, my well shall not run dry as I stay entered in the unending source of the Divine.  I live from a
space of generosity with all people and with all of creation.   

With the chores and errands of the day complete, I relax on the sofa to continue reading (actually re-reading) “Birthing a
New Reality” by Rev. Robert Brumet.  The skies grow dark once again and I find myself assured in knowing that come what
may, sunshine or rain, all is well.  
Much love and many blessings,
Rev. Karen