The Trinity of Trinities

Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Three Wishes, Three Big Billy Goats Gruffs. The rule of three or power of three is commonplace in fairytales to make them more memorable in their original oral tradition. The number three is a very mystical and spiritual number featured in many folktales. There is meaning and value given to the number three throughout our culture. For some, the number three is considered a perfect number. The number is also representative of harmony, wisdom and understanding. Three is the number reflecting time in the past, present, and future. It is used in describing the flow of beginning, middle, and end. Looking into the writings of the Bible we turn first to the parable of the good Samaritan. It was the third passerby who stopped to offer aid to the injured man on the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. Looking at other Bible teachings, there were three wise men who visited Bethlehem and presented three gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the newborn Christ. Jesus was tempted three times when he went to the desert for forty days of fasting after being baptized. Jesus was entombed for three days before the resurrection. Of course, there is the Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

For many people who were raised in the traditional Christian faith, the concept of the Holy Trinity is a familiar topic. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were called upon in prayer and during recitations of various creeds. I, along with others, learned that each aspect of the trinity had a significant role in my life. While this spiritual concept may not be fully describable in human language, the three elements are incorporated and inseparable as the concept of God.

For followers of Unity, there also exists an idea of the trinity. In fact, there are three trinitarian models, thus the name Trinity of Trinities. Today I am drawn to the first of the trinities which is commonly known in Unity as the trinity of God. This trinity is the source of the involution process that leads to the trinity of humanity (I will talk about this next week). The trinity of God flows as Mind, Idea and Expression.

We have talked about this trinity of Mind, idea, and expression many times over the years as the way we as humans co- create. The third Unity principle says that everything in the manifest world begins as a thought.

Divine Mind is the realm of infinite possibility. From that field of the unlimited, flows ideas into our human mind. Those sixty to eighty thousand thoughts we have each day are more than distracting mind chatter. In those thoughts are the divine inspirations that are the inflow of ideas that guide us on our life’s journey. That idea to call a loved one, the idea to become an engineer, the idea to volunteer with an organization all inspire us from the source of Divine Mind.

Once we notice that idea, it is up to us to bring the thought into life. We can simply let the thought drift through the ethers or we can capture it in our human mind. Have you ever had a recurring thought to go somewhere or to call someone?  That is the inspiration of Divine Mind moving in us and calling our attention to what is ours to do each moment. To notice, we must pay attention, close attention, to the still small voice that whispers amidst the noise and confusion of the world. It isn’t always easy, yet with mindfulness practices and a conscious awareness of what thoughts are floating through our mind, we can choose those that we actively and purposefully bring into manifestation. We can call upon our discernment to know what thoughts are worldly chatter and what thoughts are divine inspirations. With practice and attunement with the Divine, we can master this ability and move with confidence as we listen for the whispers. For me, it was possible to miss the whispers of the still small voice so I began with the statement “make it so clear that I can’t help but understand”.

We know that the law of mind action is always at work. Once we notice divine inspirations and capture them in our mind, we explore them with discernment, imagination, and wrap them in love as we allow them to be made manifest in our lives. In order to allow manifestation to be realized in ways that exceed the limits of my imagination and unfold from the realm of unlimited potential, I affirm with confidence “this or something better”. It is important to remain vigilant and patient to allow the universe to support our good. Letting go of our personal constructs of time and space we can rest assured that all is well. In the space of allowing, we make room for our ideas to meet the ideas of others on their way to becoming manifest. We also remember that we are not creating in isolation, rather we are co-creating with the divine and with all beings. Remaining strong in our faith allows divine order to unfold as it always does, as it must in fulfillment of spiritual law.

We now rest in the knowing the truth that this creative process is always working in the order of Mind, Idea, and Expression. We rest in the consciousness of sabbath with no worries or no strife knowing that the idea that moved in our being was more than my egoic human mind at play. We rest and allow the universe to move in wondrous and magical ways to allow our life to be made manifest through Mind, Idea, and Expression.

While this first trinity seems rather simple, it asks for our willingness to be still to notice the nuances of Divine Mind informing us. The choice to follow divine guidance is always ours to make.

Much love and many blessings,