Unrelenting Peace

I sip my morning tea in the comfort of my living room reading chair that is strategically placed at the window.  It’s a large window that affords me a front-row seat to the stunning encore performance of the earth awakening to this day.  The sun rises and shines through the now mostly barren trees reminding me that after a time of darkness, light will once again emerge.

Birds fly through the sky high above in a single line formation.  They fly so close together their wings appear to almost touch.  The trees that line my street are abuzz with the wide-awake array of birds singing and chatting as they welcome the joys and splendor of the day.  

Blue jays flutter from limb to limb on the peach trees in my front yard.  The tree limbs and branches have released all their leaves and they have long been emptied of their fruit.  Luscious peaches of summer were devoured by me, my neighbors, birds, and squirrels.  The bounty was savored and appreciated by all.

Much to my amazement, Sophia, my precious kitty, sits on the floor height windowsill taking in the morning scene along with me.  Sophia sits unmoved as bright red cardinal land on the head of the Buddha statue just outside the window.   There is an undisturbed peace in Sophia as all of nature dances and sings beyond the window pane.

This undisturbed peace makes its way into my heart and soul and affords me the fortitude to stand present to a family that has experienced the loss of their patriarch and of a son, both in a matter of weeks apart.  It is this unrelenting peace that comforts my heart at hearing of the passing of a beloved Unity minister merely hours after receiving a positive COVID-19 test result.  It is the magnitude of this peace that allows me to pray as others grieve.  

It is this peace that relies on faith for steadfast guidance through these days and nights of 2020.  As I call up the words of the Psalmist “peace be still and know that I am God.”  I ponder these words and allow myself to remember that life is without end.  Yes, our physical manifestations change form yet the soul lives on through eternity ever-connected one with another through the grace and being of Source. 

 My human mind need not understand the working out of life events across the planet for me to rest in peace that is anchored in faith that all is moving toward the highest good.   I sit in sacred communion with the Divine and quietly reflect on the Presence that moves through all of creation and I am encouraged by this Presence to carry these Advent gifts of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy in my heart as evidence of the presence of Source among us.  I am encouraged to be the presence of these gifts every day and to allow the light that is God to shine even on the darkest nights.

This is the Divine Peace that is in you and in me that calls us to be generous, kind, compassionate, merciful, and gracious as we encounter one another in our joys and in our sorrows.  We carry this peace on the sleeves of our garments for others to feel and know.  We pour out these gifts with open hands to share with all beings.  As the hours of our days pass and darkness descends upon the earth again, we remain at peace with the faith that the light will shine once again at dawn.

Blessings and Divine Peace,

Rev. Karen