The year that was…

As the year 2020 moves closer and closer to its final days, I move away from the temptation to write the year off as what some say is “the worst year ever, a year ready to be over” and all the other disparaging phrases used to describe the trials and tribulations of the year 2020.  Yes, there has been much to lament, much sadness, suffering, and grief.  I would be foolish to overlook the social justice issues that continue to plague our country year after year after year leaving many to wonder if we will ever grow into the nation of people who truly live with liberty and justice for all.  I would be remiss to minimize the impact of the vast political divide that runs through our nation and painfully separates families and friends into camps of red or blue, left or right.  I would be irresponsible to turn my back on the suffering of humanity across the globe that create masses of refugees, poverty, disease, and so many more crises. 

The deep and profound lessons of the year 2020 would be in vain if I bypass any of these experiences.  As many have done, I too, rise each day with prayers in my heart and wonder what am I to do? I often ask, beyond my prayers, what am I to do?  Beyond infusing the world with love, as best as I am able, what am I to do?   With these questions come my answers, just as it does for you.

I begin with gratitude for the good I see knowing that when I look closely with my God goggles there is much good expressing in our world.  I look no further than our spiritual community to see kindness, compassion, prayers, and generosity that is lovingly poured out to one another.  I look across our city and I see the herculean efforts of individuals to provide support and sustenance for anyone in need.

As I reflect on my year, I realize I have been enormously fortunate.  I have been tremendously stretched in so many ways.  There have been many days of being present to deep losses for some and beautiful celebrations for others.  I have stood in the presence of love and united couples in marriage as they speak their forever vows.  I have sat at the side of others as they grieve their loved ones passing from this world to the next.  Although I cannot fully know the heart of another, I am gifted a glimpse of what lay in the deepest parts of people.  It has been my honor and privilege to be with so many in prayer, meditation, and conversation on how to make sense of life as we know it in 2020.  

The gifts and learnings of the year have been too many to speak of on these pages, yet like you, I am forever transformed in ways I had not imagined.  I am made anew in ways I was unaware were possible or even necessary until these days.  I, for one, have allowed the desire to “return to normal” to swiftly evaporate so that the vision of what wishes to emerge may be made manifest.   There has been much revealed to each of us as individuals, as community, as a nation and as a world.  

We now, as the year 2020 comes to a close, set our sights on the possibilities of 2021 and choose how we will be together.  My prayer is that we no longer allow the challenges and issues of our world divide us as foes instead of moving in harmony as one people.  I fervently pray that when we look at others, we see the beauty and goodness of the handiwork of God.  When we at first glance see an enemy, may we pause to look again.  I pray we look deeply enough within ourselves to garner the wisdom others reveal as they show up in our lives and in our world to shine light on the dark shadows waiting to be brought into the light.   

I pray we all move more slowly and mindfully throughout our moments to allow the beauty and grace of life to be explored and savored.   Take the time to enjoy the swaying of the trees in the gentle breeze or fierce gusts of wind.  Take in the sound of the life awaking each morning and retiring at day’s end.  If this year has taught nothing else, may we all learn the precious gift of each moment, and time spent with our friends and family in communion of our hearts.  

For me, the in-person gatherings were very few and far between which served as great reminders of how connected we truly are.  I must be forthright and say the virtual connections puzzled me in the early days yet, as I dove in head first, I learned that I can feel the spirit of another as we pray by phone, chat by zoom, and laugh on FaceTime.  I have learned that Facebook live can flow with ease or trip me up and land me in a puddle of tears.  I learned that our connection is profound and nothing can separate us from our God or one another.  As I begin each day with my prayers for you (Yes, each of you are in my green prayer book) I feel the undeniable essence of our oneness through the power of the Divine.  

Now we prepare ourselves body, mind, and spirit to move into a new year.  Let us call upon our spiritual practices to carry us forward and deeper still into the wonder of life lived in conscious awareness of our divinity.  Let us call upon our ability to be present with others with loving-kindness and compassion.  Let us look into our hearts for inspiration and guidance that carries us into our world as divine love.  let us allow the presence of God to breathe us into life.  Let us move as the light of God shining as us to light our world with hope.  

May you be blessed and inspired in 2021 in ways you have not dared to yet imagine.

With much love from my heart to yours, 

Rev. Karen