A Day in the life

 It’s Sunday evening and this Florida girl is curled in a blanket jammies and a thick plush robe. In mid thought of “Oh how I love summer” I look around and Micah is on his blanket at my feet. Sophia is curled at my right side and Arthur is perched as lookout on the coffee table. Classical music station plays in the background as I read the final pages of a novel lent to me by a friend. Oh my goodness, how blessed I am. How fortunate to have a cozy home on this cold winter night. How extraordinary to be surrounded by my crew. Everyone is nestled peacefully together. Ah, this is the good life!

May I tell you how much joy filled my heart this day? Your love, that permeates the space and emanates from Unity on Greenville, feeds my soul. I felt enlivened by your presence, by your voices, your hugs, and your words.

Sunday, as I stood to lend my voice to the lesson that wanted to be shared, I saw someone sitting and I just wanted to say, “HI, I’m so happy to see you here today”! Then I saw a person visiting for the first time that I didn’t get to meet before the service and I wanted to say, “Delighted that you visited us today. Is there something you would like to know about us?”

As I noticed others, I felt the sadness that they carried for a friend who may transition from this realm and I wanted to reach my arms around them to say “I love you through your grief”.

Just in case I needed more, the Spiritual Care Team met after the service and I must say WOW! What an exquisite consciousness is held by those who were installed as Chaplains and Keepers of the Flame in December. Each member of this prayer team embodies the words they share, “Here I am Lord, it is I Lord…I will hold your people in my heart.”

As I reminisce through the feelings of the day, I hear the words of our opening song drift through the recesses of my mind. We are indeed “one heart, one mind, one life, united and divine” This was my Sunday at Unity on Greenville. Most days are blessed in this extraordinary way. Other days are filled with sewer lines that have broken, doors that won’t open or close depending upon the season, and a myriad of this and that to keep our church building intact. I have found that even ministering to our building brings a level of joy and I am exceedingly grateful that we have the abundance to make needed repairs and even make significant renovations.

Arthur jumps down from the table, Sophia meows and follows from the sofa. Micah whimpers and runs off to be sure the kitties keep a safe and proper distance from each other. My beautiful Norman Rockwell painting is no more. I am grateful that it lasted long enough to turn my attention to how much I have to be thankful for in this life.

Sunday shall be a marvelous day with Pete and Potatoes! We’ll continue some of the lessons from the Tao Te Ching followed by the beautiful presence of Pete Taboada. If you didn’t get to schedule time with him Sunday to paint your 2017 intention, consider a private appointment.

Don’t forget to head upstairs after the service for YFM Baked Potato Sale! This is a fundraiser to ensure each child and teen can attend the Meditation Retreat without cost. The youth track is Nov-Violent Communication.

Please join us at 9:30 for Metaphysical Bible Study and the Celebration Service at 11:00. I’m saving a seat for you because it’s never the same without you.

Joy-filled blessings